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UNESCO acceptance of Damascene Rose as heritage of humanity
Practices and craftsmanship associated with the Damascene rose in Al-Mrah
Provision of services and hospitality during the Arba'in visitation
Al-Ayn Oasis: Ancient Water Engineering and Modern Challenges | SLICE TRAVEL | FULL DOC
Belabbes Benkredda speaks at UNESCO panel
Rose valley in Bulgaria
EEE IFDP Session 6
Oman: Watering the Hanging Gardens of Jebel Akhdar | SLICE EARTH | FULL DOC
My House in Damascus | Diana Darke | Talks at Google
《国家宝藏》第二季 佟丽娅上演古墓版“芭比娃娃”再现最美大唐风华 92岁“姜子牙”蓝天野演绎传奇英雄 20190113 | CCTV综艺
Syria: Events, Sights, Festivals...عبق الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل سوريا
Réunion | Wikipedia audio article